1. Login to EHSA via https://ehsa.gatech.edu/ehsa/​ using your Georgia Tech username and password credentials (you may need to be connected to the GT VPN)
  2. Click the "Training Records" icon
  3. Your current workers (for any permit type) are listed on the left hand side of the screen
  4. Click the "Training Reports" button at the top left of the browser window and select the report "Laser Safety Refresher Due by Laser Supervisor"
  5. A "Report Parameters" box should pop up, with your name listed in the "pi_code" box. If you are also listed on another Laser Supervisor's permit, you will need to click in the "pi_code" box and select your name.
  6. Click "View Report"
  7. A pdf will display listing all of the employees that are attached to your Laser Permit in EHSA as a Laser User.  This means they have completed the initial laser safety training, registered as a Laser User using Form LU-1, and indicated you as their Laser Supervisor on that Form LU-1. 

    If you had a user that was previously due to complete refresher laser training, and didn't do so within the three month window given, they will have been detached from your laser permit, and not allowed to use lasers until the refresher is completed.  There are a series of reminders sent to the user and the supervisor before this is done, and a notification when this deactivation has been performed.
  8. Please direct any questions to laser@ehs.gatech.edu.