About Environmental Programs at Georgia Tech
Georgia Tech is subject to several environmental rules and regulations set forth by both the Georgia Environmental Protection Division and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Compliance with these rules and regulations provides a safe, clean place for all of us to work, live, and learn. We oversee or advise several environmental programs at Georgia Tech.
Air Quality
A large part of our campus utilizes distributed steam that we create right here at the Holland Plant. This steam is piped all over campus to keep our buildings warm and provide hot water for showers and dining halls.
Each year, all Georgia Tech employees who may encounter asbestos containing materials (but do not intentionally disturb them), must take a two-hour awareness training class. You can register for the training using your Georgia Tech credentials here.
Environmental Site Assessments
Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs) are reports that identify potential or existing environmental contamination liabilities, usually requested as due diligence with the purchase or sale of property.
Lead was banned from being in public and residential structures by the Consumer Products Safety Commission in 1977. You may encounter lead based paint during routine renovation or demolition projects around campus. If so, contact us for a consultation.
Molds are types of fungus, some much more toxic than others. There are many health effects that can be attributed to certain types of mold. If you find mold growing in your building, please let us know.
National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)
When you or your group are applying for research grants, you may be required to submit a National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). We are more than happy to provide some help and guidance in filling out these forms.
Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasures
Several buildings on campus have some type of oil storage addressed in our site-specific plan. It covers all types of oil storage, including cooking grease containers. If you ever see oil leaking out of a container here on campus, please let us know.
Underground and Above Ground Storage Tanks
Underground storage tanks (UTSs) are discovered when performing site surveys as part of a demolition or renovation. We usually will be asked for information about these USTs, and frequently we will have to perform research to find historical information or closure reports. It is rare to find a tank that still contains a hazardous substance here on campus.
Water Quality
Periodically we will perform investigations when we are notified that there may be a potentially contaminated drinking water supply. If the water in your Georgia Tech building doesn’t taste right, please let us know. You may also want to contact Georgia Tech Infrastructure and Sustainability to request a filter be installed.
Environmental Programs Personnel

April Kelly, MHA, MBA
Environmental Programs Manager
Cell: 404-984-0636

Daniel Murdoch, MES
Environmental Programs Officer
Cell: 404-790-2116

Kahlil George
Environmental Programs Specialist
Cell: 404-750-1585

Katrina Riley, MPH
Environmental Programs Specialist
Cell: 404-279-0025