About Biological Safety at Georgia Tech

Biosafety is an essential element of any institution that engages in biological laboratory work. The fundamental purpose of any biosafety program is to ensure "containment" of biological materials. The Georgia Tech Biosafety Team aims to ensure containment by assessing biological hazards and then mitigating that risk to laboratory personnel and to the overall community.

If you have questions about biosafety in your lab, please email biosafety@ehs.gatech.edu. Many common questions about biosafety at Georgia Tech can be answered in our FAQs.


Biosafety Manual

This manual describes basic principles of biosafety that are applicable to biological laboratory work at Georgia Tech. It contains general information on biohazards and biosafety levels, the risk assessment process and it outlines processes and procedures for conduction biological activities as well as details emergency response actions. It is reviewed annually by the Office of Biosafety to ensure that the information is accurate and timely.

  1. Have all lab members read the manual.
  2. Print and complete pages 5 and 6 and place in lab binder.
  3. Ensure that a copy of the manual is available in the lab (printed or electronic).

Biological Safety Personnel

Kristy Jennings

Kristy Jennings, MS
Biosafety Officer
Cell: 404-388-5084

Monni Begum headshot

Monni Begum
Associate Biosafety Officer
Cell: 470-428-5152

Kalah Byrd

Kalah Byrd, BS
Biosafety Specialist
Cell: 678-427-6212

Other Resources




The Office of Biosafety arranges for the annual certification of biosafety cabinets and laminar flow hood/clean benches. We also manage the preventative maintenance contract for shared use campus autoclaves and associated boilers.


Protocol Approval

All biological research requires approval on research protocols depending on the nature of the research.  



EHS plans inspections based on the building the lab resides.  When EHS visits your building, you will be notified at least 2 weeks prior to prepare for the inspection. 


Shipping Hazardous Materials

Shipping hazardous materials is regulated by various entities.To ensure that those regulations are adhered to, EHS ships these items for you.