1. Login to http://ehsa.gatech.edu/ehsa.  If you are not already logged into the Georgia Tech system, you will be prompted to login using your GT username and password.  If the link for EHSA does not work, be sure you are connected to the GT or GTRI VPN.
  2. Click on the "Inventory" icon.
  3. Click "RAM Requisition Entry"
  4. Click "+Add"
  5. Provide information for the following fields:
    • "PI"
    • "Isotope"
    • "Lab/Location"
    • "Vendor Name"
    • "Compound"
    • "Physical Form"
    • "Requisition Date"
    • "# of units"; this should always be "1"
    • "Activity per Unit"; enter the value in either uCi or mCi, whichever unit appears in the "Order Detail" section
    • Press the tab key and the "Order Amount" will auto-calculate based on the entries of the previous two fields.
    • "Contact"; select your name from the drop-down list.
    • "Phone #"; fill this out if it does not auto-populate when you select your name
    • "Email"; fill this out if it does not auto-populate when you select your name
    • Fill out the "Comments" field if there is anything unique about this order.
  6. Click "Save"