• What is EHSA?
    • EHSA is the database used to track chemicals at Georgia Tech. Please see our EHSA page for more information.
  • How do I reconcile my chemicals?
  • How often do I have to reconcile my chemicals?
    • Laboratories, facilities maintenance areas, and all GT areas in which chemicals are used or stored are required to reconcile chemicals bi-annually (deadlines: June and December). EHS submits the GT Campus Inventory Report to the Board of Regents shortly after (as required by Georgia law). First responders use the GT campus inventory to assess the situation in the case of an emergency.   Please see the EHSA page for more information.
  • I ran out of chemical inventory barcodes. How do I get more?
    • The GT inventory barcodes can be ordered via the Barcode Request feature on our EHSA. Submit the order via EHSA and your barcodes will be delivered to your lab. 
  • Can I use my scanner to reconcile, or do I have to borrow one from EHS?
    • All Voyagers used with Chematix should work with EHSA. Voyagers do not have a very long range, sometimes do not reach from your computer to your chemical storage area. EHS offers loaner Bluetooth scanners with a range up to 50 feet.
    • All EHS scanners are loaned with a Bluetooth dongle. It works similarly to your wireless mouse, connecting the scanner to your computer. You only need a USB port. After receiving our loaner combo (scanner + Bluetooth dongle), download the software from the CD (Bluetooth dongle box), pair the scanner with a computer (follow the scanner instruction book), and start reconciling.
  • I hear the scanner beep but nothing is uploaded to a reconciliation page
    • Check if scanner is paired with a computer (follow the scanner instruction).            
    • Check the Bluetooth connection - if your scanner is listed as “connected” in Bluetooth devices
    • When you start scanning, check if you click in the “Barcode #” field. Barcodes can be only uploaded if the “Barcode #” field is active.
  • If nothing above is missing, questions can be sent to ehsa@gatech.edu.
  • I don’t have a computer with internet in my lab. How can I reconcile?
    • You can use a laptop, tablet, your smartphone etc. Your school may also have laptops or tablets to loan. Reconciliation process on other devices follows the same procedural steps to working with your stationery computer.
    • Pair the scanner with your device (if you use the EHS scanner, go to Bluetooth option and “add a new device”)
    • Open the reconciliation EHSA page on your device
    • Start reconciliation process on your device like you would do on your computer. Remember about clicking in the barcode field before starting scanning
  • Why cannot I paste multiple barcodes to EHSA? 
    • This method is not available in EHSA. As soon as you start scanning, EHSA system immediately reads your scanned barcodes. There is no need to use additional steps. EHSA helps you to cut time on uploading barcode information to your computer (to Word or Excel), and then actually reconciling.