1. Log in to EHSA with your GT credentials: https://ehsa.gatech.edu/ehsa
  2. Click on "Registration Forms". 
  3. Click "Biological Materials Safeguards Application". This will direct you to the BMSC Questionnaire website.
    1. If this is your first time submitting a BMSC application, a new application form will automatically load for you.
    2. Otherwise, click on "Add Biological Materials Safeguards Application" on the tool bar at the top of the page. This will prompt a blank application to load.
    3. If you have permission to submit BMSC applications for multiple PIs, their names will be listed. You should click on the PI you wish to submit a new application for. Then follow steps 3.a or 3.b above.
  4. After completing all required fields, click "Submit" to submit your application to reviewers in the biosafety office.   
  5. If you have any issues or errors showing, email ehsa@gatech.edu