Link to "Prepare PPE kits" page
Building Managers are periodically requested to distribute PPE kits from their building supply depots to Principal Investigator (PI) labs located within their supply area. A recurring digest report of these requests will be sent to Building Managers who can then begin work on the kits using the Prepare PPE Kits form. The form begins with a list of kits awaiting preparation.
In this example, it appears as if building destination labs are repeating. With closer inspection, it should become clear that multiple days are represented (in this case 10/5/2020 and 10/6/2020). Note that PPE kits are not combined from previous days. If you do not prepare kits in a timely manner, they will start to back up. Subsequent kits do NOT include the required items and quantities of past days. Each kit should be considered separate and requires action.
To begin work on a kit, click the “Prepare” button. The form will change to the kit preparation detail view.
The view includes a summary of the destination, origin, and delivery date. The bottom of the form includes the line item contents of the requested kit. The Building Manager should physically gather the items and quantities listed to complete the kit preparation. If substitutions are required due to stock on-hand, you can use the edit tools to modify the line items. For example, let us assume that you only have 7 boxes of 180 count NITRILE Gloves – XTRA LARGE in stock. This leaves you short by 5 180-count boxes (a total of 900 individual gloves, short). You can make up the difference by adding 9 more 100-count boxes to the order. In your kit, you physically gather the following:
- NITRILE Gloves – XTRA LARGE (100 count) x 19 boxes
- NITRILE Gloves – XTRA LARGE (180 count) x 7 boxes
- …in addition to the XTRA SMALL 300 count boxes you already have as requested.
You will need to reflect these changes in the kit Item list. First, click the “pencil” icon next to the NITRILE Gloves – XTRA LARGE (100 count) line item.
The “Edit Row” pop-up window is displayed. Change the quantity from 10 to 19, then click the “Save” button.
The pop-up window closes and note that line item quantity has updated in the item list. Next click the “pencil” icon next to the NITRILE Gloves – XTRA LARGE (180 count) line item.
In the Edit Row Pop-up window, change the quantity from 13 to 7 and click “Save.”
Now that the line items and quantities reflect was is included in the kit, click “Submit” to complete the preparation of this kit.
The kit will now be removed from the list of kits to be prepared. It is now available in the next form, Distribute PPE Kits.