• All labs shall post the emergency shut locations off for natural gas, compressed air, or other “plumbed” gases and electricity in a prominent location.  Additionally, these shut off locations shall be prominently marked, including marking breaker box switches.  The existence and location of emergency shut offs shall be included in all new employee orientation programs and the lab’s safety program. Be aware of ignition sources in lab areas such as open flames, heat, and electrical equipment. 
  • Be particularly aware of ignition sources which are less than 24” from the floor, such as vacuum pumps, computers, refrigerator compressors, and other floor mounted electrical equipment.  Whenever possible, place vacuum pumps and other small electrical equipment on shelves or stands to elevate them at least 24” above the floor.
  • Use of hot plates or hot plate/magnetic stir plate combinations are to be carefully overseen.  Use of the hot plate function requires the use of an Unattended Operation Form.  Hot plate/stir plate combination units are not permitted in cold rooms or deli boxes.  Users are advised to purchase stir plate-only units for these applications.
  • Purchase and store flammable reagents in the smallest quantities available.
  • Store flammable liquids that require refrigeration in flammable safe or explosion proof refrigerators. Here is more information on refrigerating flammable materials.
  • Store flammable liquids in appropriate safety cabinets and/or safety cans.
  • Do not store incompatible reagents together (e.g., acids with flammables) (see the section on Chemical Storage)
  • Do not store ethers or conjugated dienes, for extended periods of time as explosive peroxides could form. All Potentially Explosive Chemicals (PECs) should be dated when received and opened. Watch for reminders from EHSA to inspect PECs every 3 months.  PECs kept longer than one year should be discarded.  Avoid wastage by purchasing no more than a 3 to 6 month supply of any PEC at one time. (See the sections on Working with Highly Hazardous Materials and Chemical Storage).  A list of peroxide forming chemicals can be found in the section on Chemical Storage.
  • Be aware of the condition of fire extinguishers. Inspect fire extinguishers monthly and record the inspection on the back of the tag. Report any broken seals, damage, low gauge pressure or improper mounting to the GT Fire Marshal (404-894-2990). If the seal has been broken, assume that the fire extinguisher has been used and must be recharged. (Note: Do not use fire extinguishers unless you are trained and feel confident to do so.) Report ALL fires by phoning 911.
  • Automatic fire sprinklers must remain clear and unblocked to function properly. Do not store materials within 18” of the sprinkler head or 19" of the ceiling to allow for proper sprinkler function