In recent months, we have had several incidents involving both gas cylinders and cryogenic liquid containers (“dewars”, as they are commonly referred) that have resulted in injuries and/or property damage.  

Here are important safety measures for these containers:

  1. Gas cylinders must always be properly restrained during storage, use, and transport.
  2. Safety caps must always be in place on cylinders when not in use and during transport.
  3. Be mindful of the gap or elevation change between the floor and the elevator. Small wheels can get stuck between the floor and the elevator.

Dr. Rachel Chen and the School of ChBE have taken the lead in developing procedures for safe transport in elevators. We will post these procedures in the near future.

Dented Dewar

The large dent seen on this dewar was caused when it tipped over and hit the floor. The student moving it received facial injuries. An elevation change between the elevator and floor of arrival caused the dewar to tip over.

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