Shipping Alerts

Meet our EHS shipper at the Ford ES&T loading dock Tuesday - Thursday, 10:00-10:30am.

  • BIO shipments are only accepted Tuesdays and Thursdays
  • NO shipments are accepted on Mondays or Fridays

Dangerous Goods Shipping


Quick Links

Need to drop off a shipment? Submit a request then meet our EHS shipper at the ES&T loading dock Tuesday - Thursday, 10:00-10:30 am.

Have a question? Email

Need estimated shipping costs? Visit the FedEx website


Shipping hazardous materials is regulated by various entities including the Department of Transportation (DOT), the International Air Transport Association (IATA), and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). These regulated hazardous materials include chemicals, biological hazards, materials used to preserve biological specimens (ex: dry ice), radioactive materials, and batteries. The penalties for failing to ship properly include fines for Tech and yourself, as well as possible criminal charges. To ensure that those regulations are adhered to, EHS ships these items for you!  

The instructions for shipping chemical and biological shipments are outlined on this page. Shipments consisting of radioactive materials must go through the RAM office, linked to the right.

There are 4 steps in the shipping process:
  1. Take the online Shipment of Dangerous Goods Training every 2 years.
    1. Go to Genius LMS
    2. Click "GT Login" and use your GT Login (if not already logged in)
    3. Click "View Course Catalog"
    4. Search for "shipment"
    5. Click the green "Register" button on the "Shipment of Dangerous Goods" card
    6. Click "Proceed to Checkout" at the top right of the page
    7. Click on the name of the course (in the "Active Courses" box)
    8. In the new window, if you see multiple courses, click on the one you wish to take
    9. Click "Modules" in the left navigation menu, then on the first module
    10. Once you've completed the presentation, click on "Modules" then on the "Final Test"
    11. If you complete the test with a grade at or above the required score, your training is complete. Otherwise, try again.
    12. If you have trouble accessing the course, email
  2. Prepare your documents (detailed below).
  3. Indicate how you plan to drop off your material for shipment with EHS by submitting this webform. In order for us to make appropriate arrangements, we request 24 hours notice for domestic shipments and 48 hours notice for international shipments.
  4. On the day of the shipment, bring your material in secondary containment, with a sealed and secure inner container.
    • Bring dry ice, if applicable, in addition to all of your completed paperwork and relevant safety information.

Required Forms for Shipping

Shipping Request Form

  • Provides EHS with the details of what's being shipped

Inter-Departmental Sales and Services Authorization Form

  • Provides the PeopleSoft Account Number & Document ID Number that are required for shipping rate charges

Export Review Form (International Shipments Only)

  • Ensures that the item is not a controlled technology that needs to be exported under a license from the government
  • Ensures that there are no entry restrictions or permits needed on the item required by the country it is being shipped to

Blank SDS Template (For Chemical Shipments)

  • If a chemical doesn't have an SDS, create your own with this template
  • Not required for biological materials

Material Transfer Agreement (If Applicable)

  • Ensures that intellectual property rights are protected
  • Review the MTA card below to determine whether or not your material must go through MTA initiation review



Material Transfer Agreements (Incoming and Outgoing): Five Questions

  1. Does the material contain Georgia Tech intellectual property that Georgia Tech should protect? 
  2. Does the material contain intellectual property provided by a third party? 
  3. Is the intellectual property subject to the terms of a sponsored Research Agreement (RA) with industry? 
  4. Did you receive the material from a third party that restricts its further transfer?
  5. If receiving material, does the sender want us to sign an MTA? 

Did you answer "no" to all of the above? Contact Environmental Health and Safety for shipping.

Is the material leaving the country? If yes, contact Export Control for review.