To take the training:
- Go to Genius LMS
- Click "GT Login" and use your GT Login (if not already logged in)
- Click "View Course Catalog"
- Search for "ancillary"
- Click the green "Register" button on the "Hazard Awareness Training for Ancillary Staff" card
- Click "Proceed to Checkout" at the top right of the page
- Click "Confirm", then "Go to Dashboard"
- Click on the name of the course (in the "Active Courses" box)
- In the new window, if you see multiple courses, click on the one you wish to take
- Click "Modules" in the left navigation menu, then on the first module
- Once you've completed the presentation, click on "Modules" then on the "Final Test"
- If you complete the test with a grade at or above the required score, your training is complete. Otherwise, try again.
- If you have trouble accessing the course, email