BioHazard BoxIn order to protect your fellow GT staff and students, be sure to properly package your Biowaste before the Hazardous Materials team arrives to pick it up.

To get your biowaste box ready for pick-up, throw on your labcoat, gloves, and safety glasses. Make sure the box weighs less than 30 pounds, you’ve lined the box with the biohazard bag liner, and the box is no more than ¾ full. Next, twist the top of the bag closed. Then, fold the twist in half and use some tape to hold the folded twist together. This will ensure it doesn’t come undone.

Remember, no loose sharps or liquids in biohazard boxes! Closed sharps containers are allowed.

Next, fold the box flaps down (don’t weave them together) and tape it closed using 2 inch packing tape. Do not use masking tape, duct tape, painters tape, etc. These kinds of tape just won’t stick to cardboard!

Lastly, each box needs a label that has a unique barcode from EHSA. Please affix label to the side of the box. Request pickups through EHSA. If you have any questions, contact the EHS Hazardous Waste Team.

Remember, when you pack these boxes, you are technically packing dangerous goods for shipment. Do so carefully to ensure they make it to their destination intact.

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