EHS Assistant (EHSA) is a web based comprehensive research safety management system that allows faculty and staff to access one portal to view safety information about their work areas and complete various tasks. After using GT Authentication to log in, researchers can view their chemical, laser, x-ray, and radioactive material inventory. They can register new lab personnel, respond to lab inspections, and view lab personnel training history.
Lab or Area personnel can manage their lab’s chemical inventory to include entering new chemicals, generating waste labels, and requesting waste pick-ups.
An online BMSC protocol submission form is available for work with biological/infectious material.
There are several additional features of EHSA that will be implemented in the near future, such as online protocol submission for IBC and RSC.
To assist in using the features of EHSA, we have developed an EHSA User Handbook. This Handbook provides step by step instructions on how to complete several tasks as a lab user or PI and additional items that a Chair/Director can access.
(text and background only visible when logged in)
Make sure you're on the VPN if off-campus.
Email ehsa@gatech.edu with your questions or issues.
Items required to be in EHSA are:
- Gas Cylinders
- Solvents
- Chemical samples
- Stock bottles of chemicals
- Chemicals
- Cleaning supplies such as Bleach, Pine-sol, Windex, etc.
- Chemicals in maintenance shops
Items not required to be in EHSA are:
- Lab supplies
- Mixtures made up from chemicals already in the lab inventory (especially working solutions for work in progress)
- Petri dishes of agar awaiting use