In an effort to better serve our researchers that utilize the EHS Dangerous Goods Shipping Program, a satellite pick up area for chemical and biological shipments has been setup at the ES&T loading dock. This will provide an alternate location to the EHS building to drop off shipments.
Here's how it works:
- Click on www.ehs.gatech.edu/shipping/request and enter appropriate information. Complete all necessary shipping paperwork as explained at www.ehs.gatech.edu/shipping.
- Meet EHS shipper between 10-10:30 AM (instead of the previous 11:00-11:30am) at the ES&T loading dock.
- Chemical shipments will be accepted Monday through Friday
- Biological shipments will ONLY be accepted Tuesdays and Thursdays.
- The EHS shipper will receive the material, review paperwork and bring the material to EHS labs for shipment.
If you have any questions about the shipping program, please contact shipping@ehs.gatech.edu