Boggs 3-76, 770 State Street

Event Details

Radioactive material safety training is required prior to using radioactive material and is comprised of a 3-hour classroom training and a 1-hour hands-on training.  Follow the instructions below to register for these trainings. 

Radiation Worker Registration and Radioactive Material Safety Training Sign-Up

1. Complete and print a Form B. Sign as the Radiation Worker, and have your Authorized User (AU) sign as the AU (this is whoever owns the radioactive material you’ll be using).  Bring this completed Form B with you to the training.

2. Click here to access the training sign up page.

3. Enter your GT ID or name and click “Submit”.

4. If your name shows up, click “Select” next to your name.

5. If your name does not show up, click on the button for a new worker and fill in all of the fields.  Some fields have a magnifying glass to click on and select from a list.  Click “Submit” when the fields are complete.

6. Click “Select from RAM Classes” for a list of upcoming training sessions. Click “Select” next to the “Basic RAM” session you wish to attend.

7. Click the button “Click to Register for this Class”.

8. Repeat Steps 6 and 7, this time selecting the “Hands-On” session you wish to attend.

9. If you need to change either of the sessions you registered for, click “Un-Register” and repeat steps 6 and 7.

10. If the online training sign-up does not work for you, call 404-894-3605 to register.