Mark Demyanek, Bill Baron, Ron Rousseau, Nazia Zakir, and Chuck Rhode

The Institute recognized and displayed their appreciation to two Professors for their dedicated service to safety committees.

Dr. Ron Rousseau served as Chair of the Institute Council for 10 years and was presented a plaque by Dr. Steve Cross. Dr. Bill Baron served 10 years as Chair of the Chemical and Environmental Safety Committee and was presented a plaque by Mr. Steve Swant.

Dr. Bill Baron stated, “I was pleased to be asked by the Provost to form the first GT Chemical and Environmental Safety committee 10 years ago. It was an honor to work with so many fantastic people dedicated to building a chemical safety culture. “ 

Georgia Tech has several faculty-led safety committees that provide a valuable service to the research community. More information is available at

Steve Swant gives plaque to Dr. Bill Baron  Dr. Steve Cross gives plaque to Dr. Ron Rousseau

party attendees talking  party attendees talking  party attendees talking

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