Lab Floor Cleaning

We have received consistent feedback that our lab staff are unsure of how to request floor cleanings, that lab staff do not always feel comfortable having their floors cleaned, and that building services does not always feel comfortable entering lab spaces to clean floors. We have developed a few guiding documents for you to ensure that the floors in your labs remain clean and that a consistent process is in place to ensure everyone’s comfort and safety. 

Lab floors should be cleaned on an annual basis and most labs coordinate this around their annual inspection. Please review the guidance provided below:

Guidance can be found here, under “Forms”.

  • The Preparation Checklist lists the steps to prepare your labs for the cleaning and includes information on how to request cleaning.
  • The Lab Cleared for Entry document has a template to post on your door(s) once the lab is “cleared” for building services to enter. They won’t enter the lab without the sign being posted. 

If you have any questions or feedback please contact Kristy Jennings at

Annual Eyewash Inspections

All eyewashes on campus must be inspected annually to ensure compliance with the requirements set forth in OSHA CFR 1910.151 and ANSI Z358.1-2009. Currently, Facilities conducts annual inspections for all eyewashes that are associated with an emergency shower. 

Laboratory members will now be asked to perform annual inspections for any laboratory eyewashes that are NOT associated with an emergency shower. The process is simple and involves checking the water pressure and temperature and changing out the filters within the eyewash heads. The procedure and log can be found here under “Procedures”. 

The Biosafety team will be ordering an initial startup supply of filters for labs and will be handing them out building by building. We will coordinate with your building managers to announce when we are coming to your building. 

Please familiarize yourself with the new procedure and please contact Kristy Jennings at if you have any questions or concerns!

Thank you so much for your assistance with getting this rolled out across campus!

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