On 3/25/15 Anna Hawkins retired from GT Environmental Health and Safety after 28 years of service. Anna started as a Tech Temp in the Budget and Planning Office in 1987, later becoming a permanent employee as Administrative Secretary for the Department of Environmental Health and Safety. She served on Georgia Tech committees for: Strategic Planning for Goals and Institutional Objectives, Board Members for OMBUDS, Affirmative Action Advisory Board, Orientation Forum for New Georgia tech Employees, and Interview Board for Hiring Professional Staff and several test pilot programs for Best Business Practices. Her favorite activity with the GT community was volunteering for the 1996 Atlanta Olympics.
The aspects of retirement that Anna is most looking forward to are: having time to travel, attend more of her grandchildren’s sporting activities, and buying a new home to remodel. She is very involved in her church, volunteering for various projects and is a Prayer Intercessory Warrior. In her retirement, she hopes to attend a Mission with her church to one of their three mission locations in India, Brazil, and Australia. Anna is the proud mother to 3 children and 13 grandchildren, who are treating her to a trip to the Bahamas in September. She is also planning a cruise to Hawaii next year as a treat to herself. Safe travels Anna and enjoy the beginning of the 2nd chapter of your life! Thanks for all of your hard work throughout the years!